Article 20415

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Rassadina Tat'yana Anatol'evna, Doctor of sociological sciences, associate professor, professor of sub-department of humanities and social disciplines, Ulyanovsk Institute of Civil Aviation (42 L. Tolstogo street, Ulyanovsk, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. The research subject is formation and evaluation of a regional image (by the example of Ulyanovsk region). An image of a region becomes its major intangible asset: it helps to draw attention to the area, promotes more effective lobbying of interests, improves the investment climate and competitiveness; this is the real means of influence on mass consciousness, of population’s regional identity formation.
Materials and methods. The methodological base of the research included traditional principles, approaches to research practices, such as: structural-functional and systematic approaches; the method of formal-logical analysis of concepts; the comparative method. The empirical research base consisted of the results of a sociological research carried out within the framework of the quantitative-qualitative methodology: a questionnaire survey of Ulyanovsk residents (aggregate sample was 356 respondents randomly organized by a random repetition-free method); interviews with representatives of the management structures of Ulyanovsk region (N = 10).
Results and conclusions. On the basis of the indicators developed by the array elements, the article analyzes the image of Ulyanovsk region in perception and assessment of the population of Ulyanovsk, the views of representatives of the business community, journalists, the current and former heads of the region. The study of different aspects of the regional image on the basis of the quantitative and qualitative methodology reveals obvious distortions in its downtime from the authorities. The results of the study are intended to draw attention to the fact that excessive activity by the authorities in searching the regional identity within the communication strategy, in idling the regional image to the detriment of real advances in the field of economy, in creation of the region’s infrastructure etc., is not supported by the population. When creating a regional image, the following aspects are extremely important: its expediency, manageability; combination of a focus to the new and to preserve those traditions that have previously proven positively; the ability to take into account not only the creator’s interests, but also the internal needs of the public, as well as various external agents (tourists, politicians, investors, and others); the feedback and constant monitoring of public opinion.

Key words

image, regional image, image formation, constructed image, image management, population’s attitude towards regional image.

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Дата создания: 08.06.2016 15:59
Дата обновления: 09.06.2016 11:01